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HTML | Javascript | CSS | Server-Side Programming | E-Store | Contact Forms

Domain Name Registry/Setup | Search Engine Optimization (SEO) | Social Media Integration

Mobile Website | Ebay Integration/Setup | Content Management System (CMS) | Graphics

Let's talk about our services for a moment.

We'll go through each of the services available from PAX Web Solutions and, if at the end you still have questions, you can send us a message via our contact form. Sound good?


HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. Confused? Simply put, HTML is what makes the web HAPPEN! Without HTML, there would be no Internet, no web pages, and your site would be about as useful as a dried banana peel.

Ever notice that "index.html" at the top in your browser location window? Each and every web document is named as an HTML file. This tells your web browser (i.e. Internet Explorer, FireFox, Chrome, Safari, etc.) that this file is a web page document and that the browser should display it accordingly. Each HTML file contains lines upon lines of code that tell the browser what to display to the viewer.

HTML was first released in 1993 and has evolved a great deal over the years. The current version of HTML is HTML 5.0, though much has remained consistent and virtually all browsers are backward-compatible. HTML is the core backbone of building a web page. That is, everything fancy-schmancy builds on the HTML of a web page and even interacts with it. So no HTML, no web page.

Want more information on HTML? Check out these links for more info.
HTML on Wikipedia
Search Google for HTML
W3C Description of HTML


Javascript, not to be confused with JAVA (something totally different), is a scripting language that works behind the scenes to make a wide variety of things happen on a web site. Without javascript, a lot of really cool (not to mention useful) things would not be possible. So many things are done with javascript it's impossible to even begin listing them. If you've ever used a calculator, picture slideshow, or logged into a website, then you've seen javascript at work. Javascript works hand-in-hand with HTML to check forms, automate events that occur while viewing a web page, change parts of the page, or redirect you to another portion of a website. In short, javascript is the fuel that makes the HTML "car" go.

Search Google for javascript
Javascript on Wikipedia
MDN - Javascript


CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. CSS is what determines how a page is displayed by a browser. It defines the sizes, colors, fonts, background colors or images, and many many other aspects of a web page. Before the development of CSS, all of these definitions were embedded directly into the HTML of a web page. This meant in order to change one single aspect of a page's appearance, the developer would have to go back and edit every single page of the site! With CSS, all of these definitions are stored in a single file, which is linked to by each HTML document. Need to change a font color? Open your CSS file and change one simple line and... Voila! The font color is now changed on each page of the site!

CSS was initially released in 1996. Like the rest of the tech world, CSS has evolved a great deal over the years, becoming a standard component of web page design. CSS even allows for automated animations and other cool effects in a web page now!

Check it out:

Mouse over these words

If you ran your mouse over the words above, you noticed a change in several different aspects of its display state. Yep, that's CSS hard at work.

W3C CSS Page
Search Google for CSS
CSS on Wikipedia

Server-Side Programming

Server-Side Programming (also known as server-side scripting) is a highly dynamic method of displaying web pages. With server-side programming, you can perform secure user account logins, check IP addresses of users, save data to databases as well as display that information to a user, and take orders from customers. If you have ever used an email service such as Gmail, Yahoo!, or Mail.com, signed up for a user account, or ordered anything from sites like Amazon or Ebay, then you have used server-side programming.

Server-side programs reside on the server, the computer which you are connected to when displaying a web page. When you send information via a form, that information is interpreted by the program on the server, which then processes it and returns the desired outcome consisting of a specific page or information being displayed to the user. Common programming languages for server-side programming include Perl (.pl, .cgi), PHP (.php), and ASP (.asp).

Search Google for Server-Side Programming
Server-Side Programming on Wikipedia
Perl Programming Language Site
PHP Programming Language Site
ASP Programming Language Site


An E-Store is just that: an online electronic store. Users may view your products and order/purchase them online, directly from your site.

Contact Forms

A contact form is a form which allows users to submit some sort of communication to you regarding your site, products, etc. This can be a questionnaire, poll, suggestion box, or virtually any other form of communication you desire on your site.

Domain Name Registry/Setup

A domain name is a name which is registered to you or your company that allows users to quickly and easily find your website. For example, right now you are visiting the domain name www.paxwebsolutions.com. When you type this address in the location bar of your browser window, this tells your browser to go to that website and retrieve the information on that computer.

How an HTTP request works

PAX Web Solutions will take care of registering your unique domain name for you and setting up all the required parameters that are associated with a domain name.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search Engine Optimization, commonly referred to as "SEO", is the practice of utilizing various methods of increasing the prevalence of your site in various search engine results. For example, a site which is not SEO may not appear until several pages into a search engine query. After optimizing the site for search engines, the site will appear within the first page or two of the results. This increases that likelihood that someone who is searching for your site's targets will wind up visiting your site. Most people visit results shown within the first 3 or 4 pages of a search before giving up on the search.

Social Media Integration

Social Media Icons

Ah, yes, social media. We all know these icons. They have become as standard in our lives as burgers and fries. The world of so-called "social media" can be a confusing one. Which one(s) should I use? Is it safe? Is it useful? Is it worth the time?

Good news! If you do in fact decide that social media is for you, we can help. PAX Web Solutions can help you establish your identity on social media, set up your accounts for you, and even maintain and update your page for you! We'll help you integrate your social media identity right into your website, connecting the two at the hip.

Mobile Website

According to a 2014 study, roughly 30% of internet users are using mobile devices (smartphones, tablets, e-readers, PDAs, etc.). [source: marketingland.com] Clearly, this makes up a major portion of the internet audience. This is why in today's world it is more important than ever to have a website that is not only compatible with, but optimized for mobile devices. Enter the mobile website.

If you own a mobile device, chances are you have browsed your favorite sites on said device. Did you notice anything different about the site as opposed to viewing it on a PC? The layout was likely a lot more simplistic, larger fonts, and totally customized to fit neatly right in your tiny little smartphone screen. Using CSS and other methods, the user is shown a different version of the main website on their device. Many times a complete separate version of the website is shown via a javascript redirection to something like "http://m.somewebsite.com", while the main website is located at "http://www.somewebsite.com". What a neat idea!

If you have a website already, do you really want to risk losing 30-ish percent of your viewers all because your website is crammed into an unreadable tiny window that the viewer is too impatient to try to read? Or, if you are wanting a website designed, wouldn't it be worth it to gain those extra viewers by having a special version of your site available for mobile browsers? We think so!

Ebay Setup/Integration

Do you have an Ebay store already? Would you like to set one up but don't have the time or knowledge to do so? If so, don't worry! Pax Web Solutions can help you out with that! We'll set up an Ebay store for you and if you so desire, incorporate the Ebay store right into your website.

Content Management System (CMS)

What is a Content Management System? A Content Management System, or CMS, is precisely that: a system for managing the content of your website. There are several commercial systems which are somewhat generic on the market, such as Joomla! and Wordpress. A CMS allows the site manager to perform content updates without any knowledge of HTML coding or other aspects of website development. Content is updated via a web-based interface in plain text format.

A much more affordable and practical solution is a customized CMS designed by PAX Web Solutions. We will tailor the application to fit your site and your needs. Tip: If your website is largely static (that is, you don't need many updates), it is more economical in the long run to have us manage those updates for you. Send us a message and ask for more information about a customized CMS for your website today!

Search Google for CMS
CMS on Wikipedia
CMS on webopedia.com


It bears mentioning that while PAX Web Solutions does not proclaim to be a graphic design service, we do in fact offer such within the bounds of web design. We will design, alter, and tailor graphics for your site, whether this be creating new graphics from scratch, or modifying existing ones that you supply. If you already have professional graphics that you would like to use on your site, simply submit them to us in an email and specify what you would like us to do with them, and we'll make it happen!